10 years of payment performance and customer success!

Cyril Blondel
Posted on 24 May 2022 by Cyril Blondel
Reading Time: 4 minutes

On the 10th anniversary of Dalenys, we invite you to discover the key figures that show the extraordinary evolution of e-commerce during this intense period and to look back on the major events that have marked the sector.

Ten years in the world of tech, e-commerce and digital payments. It’s 10 years of innovations, transformations of purchasing habits and growth at a momentous speed!

Flashback: the key figures of the evolution of e-commerce since 2012

In 2012, e-commerce was already booming. At the time, e-commerce sales had increased by 21.1% compared to the previous year, exceeding for the first time $ 1 trillion worldwide, according to eMarketer.1

According to the same source, 10 years later global e-commerce will now exceed $ 5 billion, which represents more than a fifth of all retail sales.2

In Europe, the number of consumers on the Internet is still constantly growing, with a fairly logical jump between 2019 and 2020 related to the onset of COVID and store closures. These events have led to new digital consumption habits, with e-commerce of course and omnichannel journeys such as click-and-collect, which have developed widely.

Eighty percent of French people estimated at the end of 2020 that click & collect was expected to last.3

In France, according to the BPCE Digital & Payments4 Barometer, 2021 was another record year for e-commerce, with an overall amount of spending that increased by 20% (+14% in 2020).

Among the highlights, we can note that today a third of the consumption of under 35s is done online and that the average basket is half as high in e-commerce as in-store, at 57€ against 38€.

Some sectors are now almost completely digitalized: 85% to 95% in travel and airline tickets for example. And others, which were still exclusively physical before the crisis, have begun the shift: one in three clothing purchases is now made online; 20% of restaurant spending too, up from just 3% two years ago. An identical figure for sports equipment. If these trends have been accelerated by successive lockdowns, we can nevertheless see that today, whatever the sector, sales via the internet are unavoidable.

In 2022, the trend continues. According to the latest Fevad report (Q1 2022), the growth of e-commerce is +11.8% compared to the 1st quarter of 2021.

Learn more about the evolution of e-commerce:

The challenges taken up together make us stronger!

As the payments and e-commerce landscape evolves, Dalenys helps merchants navigate the ever-changing landscape of e-commerce.

COVID has of course changed the game. Merchants have had to significantly accelerate their online development projects to survive and adapt their strategies.

Discover the story of our strengthened partnership with Made.com during this crisis.

Another major change in the world of e-commerce is the implementation of PSD2 (Payment Services Directive 2), which began more than two years ago.

The Dalenys’ teams have mobilized and we have adapted our Fraud Premium support programs to meet new regulatory requirements and accompanied reference merchants such as our customers Made.com, La Maison du Whisky, Autodoc or Aquarelle.

We achieve exceptional results, with 95% acceptance on average and a 96.5% drop in chargeback rates!5 And of course, it's not over, 2022 should still improve the fluidity of transactions.

Take PSD2 a step further with our white paper: PSD2, the keys to reconciling compliance and seamless customer journeys.

As Ludovic Houri, CEO of Dalenys, sums it up:

Online payments have become the new normal, and the French are showing that they have fully entered this new era, with high expectations in terms of payment innovation, but also security. E-commerce players have a card to play to meet these demands for the security and fluidity of customer journeys.

We look forward to continuing to build with our customers the payments of tomorrow's trade!

Download our white paper: 5 key levers for the performance of your payments:

1 eMarketer, Global eCommerce forecast 2013, January 2013 Ecommerce Sales Topped $1 Trillion for First Time in 2012 - eMarketer
2 eMarketer, Global eCommerce forecast 2022, January 2022
3 Dalenys/Opinion Way survey "Digitalization of commerce: the expectations of the French in 2021" conducted in November 2020
4 BPCE Digital & Payments Barometer, based on the anonymized transactions of millions of bank cards issued by Groupe BPCE's networks. It offers a statistical basis representative of the evolution of payment methods and purchasing behavior of the French.
5 Source: among our customers who have subscribed to the Fraud Premium service, results in the 1st half of 2021

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