Study | 3DS2 and strong authentication: how to optimize the performance of Merchants?

Cyril Blondel
Posted on 24 September 2019 by Cyril Blondel
Reading Time: 1 minute

Dalenys & the ENOV Institute draw the picture of the market and its opportunities.

While many of the payment players were alarmist, valuing the trigger rate of the 3DS at 57% from the entry into force of the RTS, e-merchants were worried about the supposed drop in their conversion. For their part, the issuing Banks have piloted the new directive with the aim of containing online fraud in the interest of consumers. These same consumers seemed little concerned about the risk of fraud on their online purchase.

Dalenys wanted to seize nuances of this situation (in June 2019) to better support its merchants who were drowned in this new European context. At Dalenys’ request, the independent research institute Enov conducted a study among all French e-commerce players.

Big Merchants, Issuing Banks and Consumer Panels have revealed their reluctance and their interest in the idea of ​​undergoing or deploying strong authentication. In this study, Dalenys and Enov expose to you the qualitative and quantitative results of this investigation, in order to understand how the relationship between e-merchants and banks has been weakened by PSD2 and, above all, how to reconcile all the stakeholders.

Download our study “3DS2 and strong authentication: how to optimize the performance of Merchants?

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