How should your payment page be integrated?

Posted on 14 December 2021 by Axel Badji
Reading Time: 2 minutes

While conversion levers exist at every stage of the customer experience, the payment page is particularly important, since this is the moment when the sale materialises. A clear and 100% secure payment page is key to avoid cart

One of the essential points on which many of the options on your payment page will depend is how it is integrated. There are several modes on the market: hosted form, hosted fields, client-side encryption, etc. But how do you make the right choice?

Find here all our tips to optimize your payment page

Our recommendation: hosted fields

The winning duo is controlling your payment experience while outsourcing certain security constraints.

The hosted fields mode allows you to entrust the management of payment data fields to your payment service provider, while retaining control over the
personalisation of the payment page. This makes for an
optimal customer experience and you are relieved of the burden of PCI-DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) compliance, which is fully supported by your payment provider.

 You benefit as a merchant because:

  • You keep control of the payment page and are assured
    that it matches your brand image
  • Your customers are not redirected to an additional
    payment page that does not match the design of your
  • You get a fully secure page, where PCI-DSS compliance
    is done by your payment provider

Focus on the client side encryption mode

This mode of integration is particularly attractive for merchants who:

  • Have several payment service providers
  • Wish to keep control of their payment page
  • Want to reduce their PCI-DSS scope to version A-EP of the SAQ.

This is a Self-Assessment Questionnaire defined by the PCI DSS security standard. The A-EP version gives merchants the ability to selfcertify compliance with the standard, without having to directly process payment cardholder data. These are encrypted on the consumer’s browser then sent to the PSP and exchanged for a token.

Post-purchase redirection

Do not forget to redirect the customer to your e-commerce site, once the payment has been approved. Purchasing journeys are ever more complex and the risk of losing the consumer on the way is high, during a 3DS authentication for example or a wallet payment.

When the purchase is finalised, it is essential to redirect the buyer to the original site and thus offer them a consistent journey!

Download our white paper and discover our 5 keys levers for the performance of your online payment

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