Manage a chargeback dispute: procedures and best practices

Cyril Blondel
Posted on 09 April 2018 by Cyril Blondel
Reading Time: 2 minutes


Whatever the card scheme involved (Visa, MasterCard, CB), a chargeback dispute follows a procedure with a maximum of 6 stages (except if an agreement is found during one of these stages):


Note: The terminology used can vary depending on the scheme
  • 1st stage “Chargeback”: the card owner disputes the debit made on his bank account. He will contact his bank, who issues a chargeback directly to the acquiring institution.
  • 2nd stage “Representment”: the merchant refutes the chargeback reason and gets all the elements proving his position, which he transfers to the acquirer.
  • 3rd stage “Pre-arbitration / 2nd chargeback”: after the analysis of the chargeback dispute supporting documents and in consultation with the cardholder, the issuer accepts or refuses the acquirer’s dispute. In case of refusal, the issuer issues a pre-arbitration (Visa scheme) or a 2nd chargeback (MasterCard scheme).
  • 4th stage « Response to pre-arbitration / 2nd chargeback »: the merchant has to provide an answer and confirms if he accepts or refuses the pre-arbitration or 2nd
  • 5th stage “Submission to arbitration”: At this stage, if the issuing bank maintains its refusal, it can submit the chargeback to the scheme for a final ruling.
  • 6th stage “Final ruling”: the final judgement is pronounced by the card scheme (Visa, CB or Mastercard), and the losing party is debited of both the chargeback amount and the file fees.


With our dispute manager, directly accessible through your back-office, you benefit from a complete tool to manage your chargebacks. To ensure an optimal follow-up of chargeback disputes within the allowed timeline (which will be shortened for Visa chargeback disputes starting 15/04/2018 with Visa Claims Resolution), you have an interface allowing you to see at any moment your chargeback classification, the failure reasons and dispute status received.


If you are a Dalenys client and you don’t have the dispute manager in your merchant’s back-office, do not hesitate to contact your Payment Manager to discuss about it.

You want to know more about our dispute manager and our fraud prevention tools? Our expert team answer all your questions, contact us:

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