Meet the Payment Marketing experts at Paris Retail Week with Be2bill and Eperflex

Cyril Blondel
Posted on 04 September 2017 by Cyril Blondel
Reading Time: 1 minute

The Paris Retail Week 2017 show will debut September 19th for 3 days. It will gather in one single place, two events: the E-commerce Paris and the (in)Store fairs. In other words the entire retail and e-commerce ecosystem will be there, focusing on two main themes: cross-channel journeys and point-of-sale digitization.

For this edition, “Live Retail” will be the red wire with the emphasis put on data enablement, UX personalization and real-time commerce.

Dalenys is pleased to be there one more year through its Be2bill payment service and Eperflex, its email retargeting solution.

Data is the cornerstone of both Be2bill and Eperflex. The consumer is identified all along his journey for a smooth and qualitative experience. With Eperflex, the online shopper is retargeted by email according to where he stopped in the buying process, but also if stocks are refilled or if a discount applies on a product he put in his cart. The very high data accuracy and their analysis allow to implement conversion-centric strategies while fighting fraud.

With its unique expertise on Payment Marketing dedicated to optimizing merchants’ conversion rate, our teams will be delighted to welcome you and answer all your questions on:

  • Booth G044 - Be2bill: challenge your payment strategies
  • Booth H043 - Eperflex: discuss your marketing campaigns

And join Be2bill’s workshop dedicated to fraud, September 20th at 10.00 AM, Room 1: “Tackling fraud: focus on Smart 3DS and the latest Be2bill’s innovations optimising the ratio between prevention and sales conversion”.

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And discover our latest expert advice to fight fraud in our blog article: 5 common beliefs about fraud fighting and 3-D Secure

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