Natixis and Dalenys join their forces to create a European leader in payments

Cyril Blondel
Posted on 26 June 2017 by Cyril Blondel
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Natixis decided to take majority control of Dalenys and redeem all of the shares of Jean-Baptiste Descroix-Vernier, its founder. At the end of the takeover bid which will be launched in accordance with the stock market law, it is very likely that Natixis will become the first shareholder of Dalenys.

Interview with Thibaut Faurès Fustel de Coulanges, Dalenys’ CEO.


Why is this acquisition by Natixis happening now?

This is an important decision for Natixis, more impactful than you might think. This combination illustrates the strategic nature of payments in the digital transformation of Groupe BPCE and its approach to technology companies and entrepreneurs.
Together, Natixis and Dalenys, the first French Fintech, are in a position to help European online and in-store merchants on their cross border issues, marketplace projects and omnichannel sales management.

What were the main steps in the growth of Dalenys that explain joining Natixis today?

We knew from 2010 that the payment was no longer a matter of pipes or simply technical stuff, but a matter of data and marketing levers. We were convinced that our development methods and our technological expertise in terms of Business Intelligence would allow us to maximize conversion while optimizing the fight against fraud. We knew that we could succeed in disrupting the payments industry for merchants only by successfully marrying developers, statisticians and bankers!

Thus, Be2bill was the first payment solution in France to impose the model of a full service, from technical service to clearing, from the acceptance of the transaction to the acquisition of financial flows.

After only 5 years of sales, we already have the confidence of the main European traders:

  • Nearly € 3bn in cash flows processed on an annual basis
  • 17 of the top 100 French eCommerce including Oscaro, Burger King - Quick, Made, Interflora, AlloPneus, or Winamax
  • 20 consecutive A/B tests won against traditional payment solutions
  • Nearly 25% of processed payments are made for European merchants
  • A technical platform and data management tools developed in-house

This opens up new prospects for Dalenys, which ones?

Joining Natixis, we are teaming with a natural partner, an industrial partner with whom we have over 5 years of common history. Because working with a FinTech can not be improvised and the teams already know how to work together on a daily basis. Our culture of perfection in execution is an important asset, appreciated by both our clients and our partners.
This requires a greater convergence of our Be2bill payment solution with our Eperflex and Mailorama direct marketing solutions to serve our merchants' performance.

Clearing the boundaries between physical stores and eCommerce sites is also a key issue for Retail today. We doubled the volume processed in-store in the last 12 months. The solutions that we bring fully answer the development of the omnichannel. Finally, many foreign merchants will benefit from the performance of Be2bill and in particular its direct connection to all means of payment and local and international compensation networks.

The next challenges are clear for Dalenys and our ambition fully shared with Natixis. I am very impressed by the teams we have encountered that place technology and data at the heart of their organization and decision-making. This is why the management of Dalenys, the originator of the Be2bill project, has decided to embrace this project and continue to build it in the future and to strengthen its presence in Dalenys capital.

One last word?

Yes! Without our teams supporting our merchants on a daily basis, we would not be there. This is not a pivot in our strategy, it is a particle accelerator for the talents that build up Dalenys. And a tremendous opportunity to mark our imprint and our culture on the technological breakthrough that the payments industry is currently experiencing.

Learn More:

Press Release Natixis :

Press Release Dalenys :

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