Tourism: payment by instalments is becoming a must-have

Cyril Blondel
Posted on 10 December 2019 by Cyril Blondel
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Totec, the event dedicated to tourism and new technologies, is taking place on December 17, so let’s make a special focus on a payment facility particularly suited to the travel sector: payment by instalments.

More and more merchants are offering their customers payment by instalments, a payment facility appreciated by all types of consumers: those who want to better manage their budget, be able to cope with unexpected events, or afford a product or service more expensive than planned.

59% of French people use the payment in several instalments at least once a year, and 19% use it at least once a month. 1 in 4 consumers say that payment by instalments is critical in choosing the brand, and 72% of customers believe it is a buy trigger *. By proposing it, the merchants bet on an optimization of their conversion rate and an increase of the average basket.

In the tourism sector, where the average basket is high, it is a particularly popular payment facility. It is an undeniable asset in a mix of payments adapted to tourism: alongside including the multi-currency, or holiday vouchers ANCV and multi-card payment.

Indeed in this sector even more than others, the moment when a client pays is crucial. It is necessary both to reassure the client who will sometimes spend a lot of money, but also to make his life easier with a simple and fast payment tunnel. Payment by instalments is logically more and more requested by travel agencies, airlines and accommodation to face these challenges.

Dalenys offers its merchants to integrate payment by instalments with Oney, which perfectly matches the expectations of this challenging sector.

A digital journey, adapted to Travel stakeholders

This is a payment in 3 or 4 times, directly with the customer’s bank card. It is suited to new modes of consumption, with a 100% dematerialized journey: no file, no document to provide. It only requires to fill in a form of 2 to 8 fields to get an immediate answer. Available online, on marketplaces, for click & collect, and in points of sale, it can be offered on all channels to unify the shopping experience.

For the merchant, this payment method is very secure since the risk of unpaid and fraud is 100% supported by Oney. Moreover with 92% acceptance rate, the conversion is optimized. Another important feature for a market intrinsically international: Oney payment by instalments is available in France, Spain, Italy, Portugal and Germany.

In addition Oney has acquired an expertise in Travel for more than 5 years.

We have changed our procedures in response to Travel regulations. We’ve adapted our payment paths, our analysis of fraud and our scores.

Corinne Hochart, General Manager of Oney France.

Easier integration and day-to-day management

At Dalenys, payment by instalments with Oney has been available since 2017. Merchants like Misterfly or Lastminute have integrated it.

As usual, our experts go beyond simply putting a product into action: they have implemented transaction logs that allow merchants to link payments to transactions in a snap. An essential follow-up for this type of payment more difficult to track than a simple transaction.

With Dalenys, merchants capitalize on an international and agile offer, which has a positive, concrete and measurable impact on their results, from the point of view of conversion but also of fraud management.

Our experts will be present at Totec on December 17th in Paris, we will be delighted to meet you there! To learn more, you can also ask us your questions directly here:

* sources: Colorada / Oney 2016 and OpinionWay / Oney 2019 surveys

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