« Visa Claims Resolution », a new chargeback management process with VISA scheme: what you need to know!

Cyril Blondel
Posted on 09 April 2018 by Cyril Blondel
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Visa is establishing a new chargeback management process, called Visa Claims Resolution, which will be effective starting April 15th 2018. This change aims at simplifying dispute resolutions, and improves processing times. The amount of chargebacks should even decrease!

This is a real benefit for merchants, but it also requires a stronger focus on dispute files, with shorter deadlines.

In a nutshell, when you want to dispute a Visa chargeback, don’t forget to:

  • Take into account the simplified categories listed by Visa (see the tabular overview) to settle your dispute cases
  • Give always more accurate and complete supporting documents
  • And respect deadlines, which have been shortened

Dalenys supports you in this evolution, and gives you all the tools for a simple and effective chargeback management, within this new process. Here are these changes in details.


  • A reduction of chargebacks, thanks to an optimized capture process

Visa sets up a new interface which will automatically eliminate a big amount of invalid chargebacks. It applies filters and checks during the issuer chargebacks entry. It’s the end of out-of-time-issued chargebacks, and of duplicate chargebacks! Liability shift applies automatically before the chargeback is issued. Thanks to this system, Visa is expecting a 14% reduction in the number of chargebacks in a comprehensive manner*.

*source: Best practices for Visa Claims Resolution (VCR) Migration Guide – by Visa, 2017

  • Shortened dispute deadlines

Visa also makes changes in the resolution deadlines. The dispute deadlines are shortened from 45 to 30 days for all Visa transactions. Dalenys also limits the deadline to resolve Visa chargebacks to 20 days, as Visa charges fees on files which are still opened between 21 and 30 days. To let us handle all the files within the time allowed, all your dispute requests shall be sent to us within 7 days after the chargeback reception.

  • Simplified chargeback reasons

The current 22 chargeback reasons have been pooled into 4 categories to be clearer and more readable: Fraud; Authorization; processing errors; Consumer disputes.

Two workflows have been associated to these motives: “Allocation” (for Fraud and Authorization categories) and “Collaboration” (for Processing errors and Consumer disputes categories).


Moreover, the current codes wordings have been rewritten to facilitate the understanding (see tabular overview)

  • Modified process of « Fraud » and « Authorization » categories

Here is the new Allocation workflow:


The former procedure is still applicable for the Collaboration workflow, applied to “Processing errors” and “Consumer disputes” reasons.

Example of dispute procedure in the travel business sector, with “not as described” reason code
After he bought a travel online, the client wanted to change his flight. He then disputed the applicable fee for this change. Thus a chargeback has been issued under the reason code “not as described”. The chargeback dispute has been won after the online tourism agency provided all the following elements: proper description of company, nature of business, explanation of the case, invoice, and evidence of service usage, terms & conditions…
Whatever the resolution workflow, the key is to provide an exhaustive list of proofs to clarify the case and facilitate the final ruling.


Always ready to simplify the implementation of payment evolutions and to defend your interests, Dalenys has already set up the tools which permit you to integrate these changes as quickly as possible.

With our dispute manager, directly accessible through your back-office, you’ll benefit from a complete tool to manage your chargebacks. Thus you can see the status of received disputes at any time.


If you are a Dalenys client and you don’t have the dispute manager in your merchant’s back-office, don’t hesitate to contact your Payment Manager to discuss about it.

You want to know more about our dispute manager and our fraud prevention tools? Our expert team answer all your questions, contact us: hello@dalenys.com

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