Seizing the opportunities of the Payfac model to support growth

Posted on 12 May 2023 by Elise Vétois
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Jonathan Lesieur, VP PSP & Fintechs of Payplug, has shared with The Paypers the advantages of the payment facilitation model and how to turn it into a revenue driver. Find a summary of the article published by The Paypers below.

What does the payment facilitator market look like today?

The Payfacs enable merchants to accept payments from their customers and connect to a card scheme, through an acquirer – a traditional bank or another institution. Their number has considerably grown in the last few years with a 13.8% worldwide CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) over the period 2018-2025*. 

Two types of players are driving this growth: 

  • PSPs (Payment Service Providers), naturally positioned on the Payfac market; 
  • ISVs (Independent Software Vendors) adding a Payment-as-a-Service layer to their offering.

What are the advantages of the Payfac model?

Two major options are available to connect with card schemes:

  • apply for affiliated membership status to the scheme itself;
  • select an acquirer and operate as a Payfac.

The latter has the advantage of combining: 

  • facilitated access to payment services;
  • easy integration of payment methods for a reduced time-to-market;
  • optimised resource allocation.

What to look for in an acquiring partner?

The sensitivity of payment processing requires expertise and performance. That’s why Payplug has developed a Payfac solution specifically designed to meet their needs, based on: 

  • our 10 year experience as a major European acquirer, principal member of the CB scheme, and expert in cards payment performance;
  • our know-how in terms of regulatory requirements monitoring;
  • our extensive knowledge of the European e-commerce market, with over 16,000 clients.

What are the assets of our Payfac solution?

1- Simplicity

  • Simplified onboarding with instant pay-in activation
  • Automated dynamic descriptor generation

2- Risk management

  • Customised rules engine enriched with issuer data
  • Fraud, risk and data experts dedicated to fraud watching and strategy optimising

3- Proximity

  • Payplug being a paytech and thus sharing the same DNA and values as most Payfacs
  • Payplug being part of Groupe BPCE and leveraging a unique setting to deliver the best payments success rates

*Source: Infinicept & AZ Payments Group report, 2020

To find out more about what Payplug can do for payment facilitators:

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