Why payment is a big deal for the Travel sector

Cyril Blondel
Posted on 24 April 2018 by Cyril Blondel
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Tourism has developed a strong online presence. Travelers are now searching, booking and organizing their trips on their mobile, when they are not preparing or purchasing them on their computer. With users increasingly purchasing from various places, travel companies and airlines must face many challenges when it comes to payments. Here are three pieces of advice on payment for the Travel sector.

Expand globally with the right payment methods and currencies

Payment tools have to take into account local habits and preferences of the users, in every country.

This is the only way to ensure that a legitimate customer can transform a payment intention into a successful purchase.

Thus, the international and cross-border aspect of payment is very important. Dalenys provides merchants with an omnichannel payment solution (online, mobile and in-store), that optimizes international and cross-border payments, in more than 180 countries. Dalenys’ payment solution enables merchants to accept more than 100 currencies and 300 payment methods, including some that are very popular for tourism like n-times payments and multi-card payments.

We can even adapt to country specifics for travel. In France for example, we accept a payment method which is dedicated to travel and tourism, called Chèques-Vacances ANCV and provided by companies to their employees. It is specifically made to be used when they book their holidays.

Adapt to the risks and prevent fraud with state-of-the-art tools

Fraud prevention must be adapted to the Travel sector too. Indeed, Airline tickets and tour operators packages can be playgrounds for fraudsters due to high amount carts, payment by instalments, geopolitical high-risk destinations…

We combine the business knowledge of travel professionals (like high-risk destinations) with our expertise in high-risk transactions detection in real-time. Thanks to these data, we can set up a rule engine which is really adapted to the specificities of each merchant, and stop risky payments – but not the others! This can only be achieved through a detailed and tailor-made set of anti-fraud rules.

Offer a seamless experience across every channel

While e-tourism has flourished, local agencies remain key to provide services and assistance. Strong links must be created between online and offline channels to ensure the traveler a good overall experience. We provide a unified steering tool, so that your sales team and customer care can have an overview of the customers’ transactions and their status on every channel.

The purchase path is also optimized with different integration modes for your payment pages, so you can choose which mode better suits your service. Payment forms can be adapted to the situation and fully personalized if needed. With Dalenys’ payment solution, merchants can offer the best user experience during the payment, in order to increase their conversion rate and reduce abandoned carts.

Learn more about our advanced e-payment solution

We recently attended the BigBoss Tourisme in Cabourg, a well known seaside resort in France and the 12th Airline & Travel Payment Summit in Miami. Amongst the travel companies who already trust us, you will find: lastminute.com, Bourse des VolsKiwi.com, Skytour...

Learn more about our international and fraud prevention expertise on our website! Let’s meet to discuss your topics and to explore how we can offer our support to your goals. You can contact our experts at: hello@dalenys.com

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