A look back at 2022: an exceptional year for Payplug

Posted on 23 December 2022
Reading Time: 6 minutes

For Payplug, this year has been rich in events and developments. One single brand has been born from two fintech companies within the Groupe BPCE, ready to respond to the most demanding ambitions of online merchants, retailers of all sizes and fintechs across Europe. 

Between the announcement of our coming together, our participation in Paris Retail Week, new features and the renewal of our range of payment terminals: here, we’re offering you a look back at the events which have marked this year, before discovering our ambitions for 2023! 


The coming together of Payplug and Dalenys

On 15 September last, we announced the coming together of Payplug, a multi-channel payment solution designed for SMEs, and Dalenys, a fintech company specialised in digital payments for big names in e-commerce, both of them subsidiaries of Groupe BPCE since 2017.

Our new brand, Payplug, brings together the best of user experience and payment performance to allow you to respond to your customers’ demands and to anticipate market developments.  

Today, Payplug means more than 10 billion euros in transaction volumes in 2022, 400 colleagues and 20,000 merchants such as Faguo and Plantes Pour Tous and also big groups such as Maisons du Monde, Veepee and Kiwi.com.



Paris Retail Week: the first show under our new colours

Shortly after the revelation of our coming together, we attended Paris Retail Week from 20 to 22 September, a chance to chat to you regarding your payment problems.

We ran two workshops: one with Sendcloud on the theme of customer experience, with techniques directly inspired by our common client Shanty Biscuits

For the second, we worked with our partner PrestaShop. We looked back over the advantages of guaranteed split payments for e-commerce and our PrestaShop Paylater module launched in April 2022 in partnership with Oney. Since this, the 136,000 PrestaShop users in France and Italy have been benefiting in their own countries from a 3x or 4x payment module in order to energise their sales.

Finally, we brought more than 360 traders and retail ecosystem players together during our Retail Night Fever, an evening event on the banks of the Seine. Huge thanks to everyone who took part!

paris retail week


Online payment performance at the heart of our priorities

On the strength of our unique mastery of payment chains, from acceptance to acquisition, we have developed some new features to redraw the performance lines in the payments market. 


Developing new means of payment expected by our clients 

In recent years, we have seen diversification in modes of payment, pushed by consumers’ demand to access even more options and flexibility in their purchasing. 

While cross-border online purchasing has increased by 13% in 2022 and should exceed 2 billion dollars in 20231, it is becoming imperative for merchants to offer local means of payment in line with their customers’ expectations.

It is for this reason that in 2022 we have integrated the Belgian means of payment Bancontact into our modules for Magento 2, PrestaShop, WooCommerce and Sylius. American Express is also available on these latter two modules, which means that our SME clients now have access to more than 122 billion Amex cards in circulation in the world²! 

In parallel, we have prioritised the development of features aimed at improving the conversion of our traders. Apple Pay, the most popular mobile payment service in France and Europe, is now accessible via our PrestaShop, WooCommerce, Magento 2 and Sylius payment modules. 

As for high-volume websites (more than 5,000,000 euros per month), they can activate payment in 12 instalments with Oney for purchases between 100 and 3,0000 euros. A competitive advantage, when we know that purchases worth more than 1,000 euros should represent 28% of the split payments in France over the next six months3.


Maximising the acceptance rate of e-commerce websites 

The Payment Services Directive 2 (PSD2) has been applicable for more than three years now, but it continues to have a direct impact on the performance of e-commerce websites. Our aim in 2022 and beyond: to give our traders the keys to reduce their rate of fraud and to favour frictionless authentication. 

Our affiliation to Groupe BPCE gives us privileged access to the payment data of BPCE cardholders, which represent 20% of the transactions made by the general public in France4! We have therefore been able to integrate the issuer’s rationale into our risk assessment models and to create solutions guaranteeing a maximum share of frictionless payments, such as FastPass

Our client Veepee, which benefits from this solution, has seen its frictionless rate increase by 45% (and its conversion rate by 9%) on transactions carried out by BPCE clients, while maintaining a low level of fraud.

Don’t forget to watch our webinar with Veepee. 

“To maximise your payment performance, you now have to think in terms of fluidity of toolpaths, from the shop to e-commerce. At Payplug, we want to support our merchants in this direction.” - Antoine Grimaud, CEO 


Multi-channel - a key issue for merchants

Between inflation, the energy crisis and logistical difficulties, traders are having to deal with an instable macro-economic environment. This context is forcing them to rethink their business model in order to become more resilient. 

In 2023, SMEs will have every interest in multiplying their customers’ contact points (website, shop, dealers, social networks, marketplaces) to dilute risk and to ensure an income, even if one of these channels should fail. 

The recent launch of our new range of Android payment terminals is part of our desire to support our traders in their multi-channel strategy, by offering them cutting-edge technology with a large variety of uses. 

We have also developed some new integrations with their business tools (particularly KinTPV, Wanapos and Prestatill point of sale software) in order to allow them to create unified purchasing paths.



In 2023, let’s continue to push back the payment boundaries

Of course, we’re not going to stop when we’re doing so well: there are many new things in store for you! We are building our 2023 roadmap with you and that’s why we are going to continue to integrate local means of payment into our modules, such as Satispay, a very popular mobile payment app in Italy.

We are also going to launch SoftPOS, a technology to transform a smartphone into a contactless payment terminal. And to allow you to unify your customer data even more over all channels, we are planning new integrations with your trade solutions: point of sale software, OMS and accounting tools. 

The search for performance will remain a strategic issue for Payplug: we are planning on optimising our technology for countering fraud in order to offer you the best acceptance rates in the market

We wish you an excellent 2023 and can’t wait to start it at your side!



1 Cross-border eCommerce report, Juniper Research, 2022

2 American Express 2021 Annual Report

3 Younited study, 2022

4 BPCE figures, 2021

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